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TGIF, y’all! I’m very much looking forward to the weekend and getting out of our apartment! I received some somewhat shocking news today that my company may not be back in the office for the rest of year. We’ll likely go back to the office when our new office space is ready in early 2021. My company has been building out a new office space prior to Covid-19 so it does make sense to just wait until the new space is ready. But wowza, it’s crazy to think we won’t be back in the office for the remainder of the year.

Working from home has been nice, but it’s also been challenging as we have a “make shift” office space - aka our dining table. I miss having a dedicated dining space so I’ve been looking into small desks that could act double time — as a nightstand and a desk. I’d like to send off one of our nightstands to my friend’s garage to hold onto for us and get a desk to use in the space instead. I have my eyes on this one as it would fit in the space perfectly and be large enough to store my monitor and other supplies on the top surface.

The great thing about beautiful desks is that they can work in any space even if you don’t have a dedicated office. Have some space behind your couch? Put a desk behind it to act as a sofa table and a working space. If desks are too wide, you could always look into skinnier console tables (like this one) which would work just as well.

Shop my desk round-up below! Hope you have a great weekend.

xx B