
And the countdown has begun! Only 3 MORE DAYS! 

For everyone who was on this cleanse journey with us, I hope you are all feeing AMAZING! Do you? I would love to hear how everyone felt during and how y'all are feeling after (don't forget to share with all of us on the group Facebook Page).

After the 21 days are up, then what? Well, this part of the Clean cleanse is one of the most important parts: the Reintroduction stage. This is where you begin to introduce the "excluded" foods and see how you feel (you may have a reaction to certain foods which could mean you have intolerances to those foods).

When I completed my first Elimination Diet, I did not approach this stage like I should have. Y'all, I ate everything! Not in moderation. I ate an entire bag of plantain chips, had a cup of coffee, some cheese, and scooped mounds of almond butter (this wasn't on my diet) on apples -- I wish I could have gone back and done this right. Be sure to educate yourself more about the common toxic triggers (dairy, gluten, eggs, soy, some red meat, corn, and processed sugar). Try to only incorporate one thing at a time and see your reaction! 


I ended up going back to my Elimination Diet completely because I was having such severe reactions. As y'all know, I have an Autoimmune Disorder, so I have to take this reintroduction stage extremely seriously. I have been able to reintroduce a couple of things in moderation (I can handle dairy in very small amounts and some grains) but almonds are a no go. Which made me extremely sad at first! It is amazing how much you look forward to those "healthy" snacks that you can't have on the diet. And nuts were some of mine! Nuts are problematic because if you react to one, that doesn't necessarily mean you react to all of them. Which sounds like good news right? Not for me. (1) Because you have to reintroduce each nut, one at a time to see if any reaction occurs and (2) Almonds made me feel so terrible that it made me not want to try anything else! 

All of this will most likely not be a problem for you! I truly hope that it isn't! I just wanted to express to y'all the importance of this next step if you are wanting to take this challenge and make it into a lifestyle change. (Definitely not saying you shouldn't go and enjoy a margarita or a big slice of pizza, go for it!) Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you have about reintroducing foods! I know it all can be overwhelming and it is nice to hear from someone who has been through it all before.

I am SO proud of each and everyone of you! Keep up the good work/dedication, only 3 more days! :)


6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

We have partnered with Pure Barre Preston Hollow to bring you this recurring post.
Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.