Who else is ready for a beach vacation?! This girl definitely is. Growing up in Florida, we never really had the excuse of taking a "beach vacation" since the beach was our backyard. I leave for Turks and Caicos this weekend and it will be my first "real" tropical vacation ever (not counting the Spring Break cruise in college where we made landfall for maybe 24 hours). 

While wondering how much sunscreen I should pack is a definite priority (I am a walking ghost 80% of the time), I can't stop thinking about what to pack! Optimistically, I am planning to only take my carry on -- which now is going to be even more of a challenge after picking up a few new swimsuits and some seriously cute maxi dresses.

If you are like me and don't mind having to sit on your suitcase to get it to close, then some maxi shopping is definitely in order :) I'm sharing my Top 10 Vacation Ready Maxis below!

Happy Tanning (or in my case, not burning)! 
