
We all have those days where we don't feel like working out. Even those of us who are addicted to Pure Barre have our moments when we just don't feel like tucking. Below are 6 Tips for Staying Motivated when those lazy moments creep up:

  • SET GOALS -- Setting goals for yourself is great! "I will work out 3 times this week" "I will lose 3 pounds by June" "I will feel good in my bikini for that beach vacation" -- setting goals puts it all into perspective. This month, Pure Barre has been having the Pure Barre Madness Challenge. The Challenge is a national challenge between PB studios where clients try to attend 20 classes in the 31 days of March. The winning studio gets a day of pampering, surprises, and bragging rights -- I'll tuck to that!
  • SCHEDULE YOUR CLASSES FOR THE WEEK - I am OCD about my planner, so anything I write in it, I'm doing. And I know some of you are the same way. By writing down the classes you plan to go to for the week or going ahead and signing up for classes online (you can do that HERE), you are more likely to follow through with it! Because who likes to use white out in their perfect planner? Not this girl! 
  • PACK YOUR WORKOUT BAG THE NIGHT BEFORE - No more, "Oops! I can't find my second sticky sock. Maybe tomorrow.." When you pre-pack your bag, there are no excuses!
  • TAKE A REST DAY - Our bodies need rest from all of the hard work we do at the barre! Give yourself a "guilt-free" days off. And if you are a #PureBarreAddict like I am now, you will be tucking in your car -- that burns calories right?!
  • REWARD YOURSELF - Reward yourself after the shake! Don't go crazy here ladies (I'm not talking an ice cream sundae after every class) but if you make it to all of your classes for the week, treat yourself! There is nothing better than knowing you can enjoy that treat because you earned it -- well that and knowing you will definitely burn it off the next week :) 
  • REMIND YOURSELF - Remind yourself how you felt after last class! That will be motivation enough to at least get your workout clothes on. And just remember, "I really regretted going to Pure Barre today... Said no one ever!"



  • ENERGY LEVELS - Still battling with low energy levels, but going to barre (whether I feel like it or not) always gives me more energy and makes me happy!

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - Still getting that great Pure Barre sleep.

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - My clothes still fit so I can't complain :)
  • STRENGTH - I tried doing arm exercises with the 3lb weights for the first time yesterday -- WOW! Who knew going up from 2lbs would be so much harder?!

6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

We have partnered with Pure Barre Preston Hollow to bring you this recurring post.
Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.