
I love to cook and I love to eat. For as long as I can remember, I have loved being in the kitchen. Cooking is happiness to me. It has been my place of comfort, my place of serenity. It is where I go after a long day. It is where I express my creativity. It is why I wake up an hour before I need to be up so that I can sit, relax, and enjoy my hot breakfast. It is where I pour my heart into. It is my favorite way to show people how much I love them.

Two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with severe hypoglycemia and Hashimoto's Disease -- an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. I have been living with symptoms for as long as I can remember, but I am one of those "suffer in silence" types. I thought my symptoms were just "normal" for me. Little did I know, my body has been attacking itself. Let's just say, it has been two weeks on a very rocky roller coaster. 

But my real low point? When I found out that something was going to have to dramatically change for me to gain control of my disease - my diet. As most of you know, I already live a gluten-free lifestyle so I was already a little ahead of the game, but no coffee? no chocolate chip cookies? no cheese? no corn? (Tex-Mex has become a weekly stable since moving to Dallas) no tomatoes? no grains? no nuts? This was absolutely devastating to me. So I wept. For Hours (poor Will). 

I am not writing this for you all to feel sorry for me -- I am writing this to let you all know that even though I will be battling this disease, I will still be bringing you fabulous recipes (they won't be as strict as they are for me, I promise! But I will give options on how you can make the meals friendly to any diet)! While this disease will be with me for the rest of my life, so will my love and passion for cooking.

Oh and one more thing, when you enjoy that next cup of coffee in the morning, will you have another sip for me? :) 

xo, K