

  • ENERGY LEVELS - The amount of steady energy I have throughout the day is awesome! I love not having to depend on that cup of coffee for energy in the morning. Going to 6AM classes this week gave me the energy I needed for the entire day!

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - Still getting quality, restless sleep!

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - I am definitely noticing more definition in my legs. We all have our problem areas and I have always wanted lean, athletic looking legs -- the shake is working!
  • WEIGHT - I still am not at the weight I was at before the holidays :( The queso and gluten-free cookies during the Super Bowl didn't help the scale reading!
  • STRENGTH - I made it to 5 classes this week and noticed such a difference in my strength, especially when it came to thigh work! I thought by the end of the week that my body would be fatigued, but that was not the case at all -- I was able to complete exercises easier at the end of the week than at the beginning!


  • ENERGY LEVELS - Continue to increase! Still need a cup of coffee after 6am classes. That may be because I'm slightly addicted to caffeine.

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - I've been falling asleep faster than ever! I've been waking up feeling very rested.

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - My legs and arms are definitely getting more toned but they are still not where I want them to be. No changes in ab definition (which is my biggest problem area).
  • WEIGHT - Finally bought a scale over the weekend! WOW stepping on the scale scared me a little. I'll give you a +/- update next week!
  • STRENGTH - My arms continue to feel stronger. I can almost get through the entire weights section! My back however has been feeling super week. It's been giving out in the stomach/back exercises. Probably a sign I need to hold my abs tighter.

6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

We have partnered with Pure Barre Preston Hollow to bring you this recurring post.
Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.