Can you believe it's the first of May?! I feel like it was Christmas just a few weeks ago! This year is flying by so quickly! 

These first few of months of the new year have been cold and dreary here in San Francisco. We are just now experiencing warmer and sunnier weather! This past weekend was seriously THE most perfect weather that just makes you fall in love with San Francisco all over again. 

W and I spent the majority of our weekend outside taking advantage of this unbelievable weather! We explored The Conservatory of Flowers at Golden Gate Park on Saturday (and pro tip: you can save $2 if you're an SF resident!) and then also went to our first Giants game Saturday evening. I can't believe how long it took us to go to a game! Well, I kind of can, as tickets are quite pricey for baseball... We sat in the nosebleeds, and I mean nosebleeds, and our tickets were a little over a $100 (for two.) Nonetheless we still had a great time drinking beer and eating lots of snacks! Helloooo Tony's Pizza.

I totally meant to go to the Treasure Island Flea on Sunday but somehow turned into a total space cadet and forgot about it!! DANG IT! So mad at myself because they only happen the last weekend of every month! It's been awhile since I've been (probably about a year!) so I'm ready to go back and explore again. Who else loves treasure hunting at fleas?! I find it to be so fun! I get such a thrill out of finding odd knick knacks for decor or amazing deals on accent rugs and art! 

So instead of going to the flea, W and I instead picnicked at the park which was just as fun! We stocked up on some cheese and fruit and spent the afternoon laying out soaking up the sun and reading magazines. I closed out the weekend with silent disco yoga at Baker Beach. I didn't find it to be a challenging class but is definitely something you should experience at least once with a friend! There's nothing like doing yoga with a group of people on the beach with the Golden Gate Bridge as your backdrop. Plus, it ends in a pretty fun silent disco party. Get all the deets here!

Now, I'm just counting down the days until our next weekend adventure... As always, you can shop my look by clicking on the photos below!