Hello: My name is Blair Sullivan and I'm addicted to hats. I would legit wear one every day if (a) they went with my outfit and (b) was acceptable to wear to the office. I think hats elevate any outfit, especially casual ones! I'm particularly crushing on the embellished details which adds that perfect touch of bohemian flair.

In other news, I'm going to Cabo in July for my bestie's bach and I'm already planning out my outfits. Am I crazy or what?! I legit have a word doc (a wish list if you will) outlining dresses, accessories, tops, and swimsuits, etc that I want to buy.

Since moving to San Francisco a year and a half ago, I have BARELY bought any typical warm weather clothes!! I'm in dire need of all the summer basics: sundresses, tank tops, shorts, and sandals. It's usually too cold here to wear those types of clothes so I haven't bought anything of the sort in SO long. Y'all I haven't even bought a swimsuit in probably two years. Same goes for shorts... Definitely need a mini shopping spree for this trip! So, I'm trying to be pragmatic and plan out my purchases over the next few months instead of buying everything I need at once. That's responsible right?!

So if you see any cute summer clothes, help a girl out and send them to me. Double points if you find something on sale!