
Wow! I can't believe Monday is already here again. We had such a fun whirlwind weekend with my parents here. They came in town for UT/Cal game and we got to tag along as well! Although neither W and I attended UT, I feel that I am an honorary UT alum as I have attended WAY more UT football games than I have of my own alma mater! I grew up going to UT games and sorority functions as my mom (unsuccessfully) tried to brainwash me going to UT - haha! Seriously though, start them young right?! 

Although the horns lost, we still had a blast going over to Berkeley and tailgating before the game. We got home pretty late Saturday night so we had a bit of a slow morning on Sunday. We headed over to Muir Woods which was truly an incredible experience. Seeing those tall red woods and reading about how some of these trees have been around for 1000+ years really puts into perspective just how small we are in this big world. It was just so beautiful, I felt like little fairies should be flying throughout!

We got there around 11am/noon and parking was completely full! We found out from the information desk that parking usually fills up around 9am!! We fortunately got lucky and W found a parking spot just seconds before we were about to leave! But insiders tip: either take the shuttle (the bus from the city and Sausalito) or get there before 9am if you don't want any trouble finding a parking spot!

After Muir Woods we headed over to Sausalito to grab a burger from Napa Valley Burger Co. I highly recommend this place if you're going to Sausalito anytime soon! Their burgers are out of this world but the wait can be a little long. We always try to grab a spot at the bar. Much quicker and faster service that way! ;) We wrapped up the night at The Tipsy Pig for dinner and I discovered my love of their pretzel bites with gruyere cheese and beer cheese dip. Oh my god don't event get me started on just how good these are. I'm already drooling just thinking about it!

Felt like my parents were here for just too short of a time! They are already heading back to Austin! But knowing that I'll be back home in two short weeks for ACL is helping me to keep my spirits high! 

I can't believe fall is officially here! It absolutely does not feel like fall here in San Francisco. We are experiencing our Indian Summer with 80+ degree temps! Of course all summer long I was wishing for warmer temps so I could break out all my cute summer dresses, but now that our summer has finally arrived, I am wanting the cooler temps back! Grass is always greener on the other side right?!

With the start of fall, I love cooking up some recipes in my crockpot. Crockpots are seriously the best invention ever, especially for people like me who do not particularly enjoy cooking. I love how I can throw in all the ingredients into my crockpot in the morning then voila! All of a sudden dinner is ready right when you're wanting it to be. It's like magic!

I've rounded up my favorite crockpot recipes for fall above. I've also included the links to where I found these recipes here below. Follow me on Pinterest for more drool worth recipes!