First of all, I want to sincerely apologize for my disappearance from the blog lately. I know it's no excuse, but I have been SO overwhelmed over the last month. Here's why: I'M MOVING TO SAN FRANCISCO! While I am beyond excited to take this leap of faith into my next adventure, I have been completely stressed out trying to find a new job, working my current job, finding an apartment, packing up my stuff, dealing with permits, finding movers, you name it. So with all of that, I have barely found time to work on the blog, which I feel so badly about.

If you follow along on Instagram, you may have noticed I was in San Francisco the majority of last week. This was by no means a vacation! I literally spent every second of the day going to interviews, meet and greets, and apartment showings. By the end of the day I was beyond ready for a glass (or two) of wine! Did you all know how hard it is to get an apartment in SF? It literally is like buying a house. You have to go to these open houses or 'showings' where anywhere from 5-20+ people show up all to see the apartment and turn in their application. The landlord literally picks who they like best or it can turn into a bidding war. I was so nervous I was never going to find an apartment because I'm definitely not the ideal applicant with no job, i.e., no means of income to pay the rent! Luckily, I have supportive parents who were nice enough to be my guarantors. Although I left SF with no secure job, I did leave with a signed lease.

Signing the lease filled me with a mix of emotions. While I was so thrilled to have found the cutest apartment, it was also my official "there's no going back moment." Dallas has been a wonderful home to me over the last 7 years. I truly grew up and found myself here. It is where I went to college and met W and made the greatest of friends. It is where I worked my first job. it is where I started this blog with one of my best friends, and other half, Kaitlynn.

Since I'm so happy here, why might you ask am I moving half way across the country? I get this question all the time and I don't really have an answer for it. Anyone that knows me, knows that I hate change and that one of my greatest fears in life is of the unknown (aka this whole experience is very overwhelming for me.) But I think it is something that I have to do for myself. Although scared, I'm ready for a new challenge and adventure. When I visited San Francisco for the first time last October, I truly fell in love with the city's beauty and charm. It is the first place where I could actually visualize myself living outside of Texas. While Texas will always be my home (and I promise I'll be back), California has it's newest resident.

So with this news, please bare with me until I make the move at the end of July. I promise I will be back in full swing once my move is complete! I'm going to end this novel (sorry guys) with a quote I discovered the day I signed my lease: "When you step outside your comfort zone and do scary things, magic awaits." 

Now that we got that out of the way, how cute is this Chantilly dress?! When I was shopping around the store a few weeks ago, this dress immediately caught my eye. It has some of my top three qualifications: Fun, Flirty, and Flowy! I also love the subtle cheetah print and surprisingly love the mix of patterns (which I am usually not a fan of.) I imagine myself wearing this dress in Napa sipping a delicious glass of rosé - #yeswayrosé 
