ASOS is my #1 shopping website. I stumbled upon ASOS my senior year of college and it has quickly become my go-to shopping website. Although it can be time consuming to go through every page because they have such a huge selection and variety of items, it is SO worth it. On average, their price points are pretty low for quality pieces. If you haven't heard of ASOS, you're welcome.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who goes through and "hearts" like almost everything on ASOS' website? It's basically like adding everything to your cart then realizing "I cannot afford this." My favorite thing about 'hearting' on ASOS is that is stays in your favorites for 60 days! That way I can go back and remember what I wanted to buy! It's seriously my favorite thing ever. I think every website needs the ability to favorite items!

Happy Monday [ and shopping because it's pay day ;) ]
