Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe from Ina Garten 

Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe from Ina Garten 

As some of you know, I cannot eat gluten for health reasons. No fad dieting here y'all! (I would be the first to reach for that chocolate chip cookie if I could).  It has been two years since I was diagnosed and while my quality of life has increased dramatically, something has still been off.

I'm not going to bore y'all with details but my doctor has put me on an Elimination Diet to find the root cause. If you don't know what an Elimination Diet is, Cliff Notes version: You eliminate items (in my case, nightshades, coffee (Lord help me!), sweeteners of any kind, nuts, legumes, chocolate, grains, did I mention coffee?!) and slowly reintroduce items one at a time to see which foods cause reactions.


22 days down (only 9 more to go!) and I have had to get creative with meals so that I don't bore my tastebuds to death -- Thank goodness Ina Garten's Perfect Roast Chicken is within diet guidelines! This is the absolute BEST roasted chicken recipe I have ever tried (pre & post gluten allergy). Not to mention, it is fool proof. If you are needing to impress a small dinner party or show off your kitchen skills to your man, this recipe is for you!


TIP: If you don't have a roasting pan, it's not the end of the world! I used to use my glass Pyrex dish before I got mine -- the only downside is that your roasted veggies do drown a little in the grease. Prepare another simple side (asparagus, mashed potatoes, sweet potato puree, etc.) in case this happens! 

Ina Garten's Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe

Ina Garten's Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe

It is no secret, I just love Ina. I have never made a recipe of hers that I did not like and don't even get me started on her Hampton's kitchen (Obsessed. Click HERE to see House Beautiful's slideshow). If you are ever struggling over what to make for dinner, scroll through her top recipes on Food Network. They are all simple, easy, and impressive! 

Click HERE for Ina's Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe.

Many of you requested this recipe so I hope you love it as much as I do! Comment below and let me know how your chicken turns out! 
