

  • ENERGY LEVELS - I have been so busy lately -- but making it to 6AM classes last week definitely gave me the energy to make it through these busy busy times! 

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - I may have gone to sleep before 9PM twice last week... sleeping like a baby.

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - I am noticing definition in my abs! YAY! I knew those "inch" movements are tough but they are so worth it when you start seeing results!
  • WEIGHT - My weight has remained constant -- W says I am gaining muscle but like most ladies, I want to see that number on the scale go down! 
  • STRENGTH - The strength I am noticing the most is definitely my thighs! I am making it through the thigh series much easier, able to complete the entire time without stopping :)


  • ENERGY LEVELS - I've actually been incredibly tired lately. But I think that's more due to lack of essential vitamins!

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - Falingl asleep way quicker on days that I take PB! It's also a deep and restless sleep.

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - Seeing more definition in my legs! Still no definition in the abs, which is the part of my body I really want to see results!
  • WEIGHT - I've been fluctuating up and down 2 pounds. Hoping the 2 pounds stays off next week!
  • STRENGTH - Abs are feeling a lot stronger! I'm almost consistently holding the 90 second plank and the "inches" are getting easier at the end of class! Now just waiting to see my 6-pack...


Show your body some love this Saturday at Pure Barre Preston Hollow -- FREE classes all day! Sign up HERE!  

6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

We have partnered with Pure Barre Preston Hollow to bring you this recurring post.
Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.