
For all of you PB girls out there, you know Pure Barre is a perfect combination of challenging and addicting. But what is better than going to class and seeing results?  Definitely watching your boyfriend/husband shake through a class! In honor of PBPH's Bring on the Men this Saturday, you have to read this Dude's Digest article about one guy's recount of his Pure Barre experience... LOL!


  • ENERGY LEVELS - I am currently doing an elimination diet for 1 month to see what other foods I am sensitive/allergic to, so this first week on the diet and back to Pure Barre has definitely been testing. My body is in the process of detoxing (and is also in somewhat of a shock without my morning cup of coffee.. I know.. I don't know how I'm doing it) so my energy levels have been lower than normal -- but I made it to class 5 times this week! 

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - Head hits the pillow and I'm out :) 

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - I keep seeing more and more definition in my arms and legs! 
  • WEIGHT - Almost back to my pre-holiday weight. Woohoo!
  • STRENGTH - What a week off can do! The first classes back were rough, especially with the arm and seat exercises!


Y'all, I'm sorry to say that I have failed to get my booty to barre this past week yet again. Working in events can really suck up your time! I had an event almost every night last week. So because of that, I wanted to sleep in or relax when I wasn't working! But I know - excuses, excuses. I promise to get myself to barre this week! Luckily, I haven't gained any weight by not going but my energy levels are suffering. I definitely don't want to get in the habit of not going! xoxo

6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

We have partnered with Pure Barre Preston Hollow to bring you this recurring post.
Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.