I LOVE gift wrapping! Whether it is for birthdays or Christmas, it is always so much fun. Thankfully I grew up with two gift wrapping pros - my aunt and grandmother. They both taught me to tie immaculate bows (where wired ribbon is an absolute must) as well as the simple knot bow (shown above). This season I went for less is more.

When it comes to wrapping for Christmas, I like for all of my wrapping supplies to coordinate with one another. That way, you can use the same ribbon for everything and all of your gifts look very cohesive. Below are a few tips for you this wrapping season :

TIP 1 :

Before you begin wrapping, make sure you have (1) a very sharp pair of scissors (if your scissors are dull you will be cussing and throwing a fit - and no one likes a wrapping fit, especially while holding dull scissors) and (2) clear gift wrap tape (if you use the green scotch, please stop).

TIP 2 :

Always buy more tissue paper, gift boxes, and gift bags than you expect to use. There will always be those last minute gifts to wrap, so it makes everything easy when your wrapping is ready to go! Just picture the few days before Christmas, when the holiday section of Target looks like it has gone through a robbery followed by a tornado -- no one wants to search through that for a single gift bag.

TIP 3 :

Personalize. I always love personalizing gifts for the recipient by attaching a cute ornament or gift tag that reminds me of that person. It is always a nice little touch that goes a long way!



I made these Printable Gift Tags for my gifts this year -- feel free to save the JPEG's below and create your own too :) These images will be larger than you will want your tags to be, so I suggest inserting the images into a Word document to size them & print multiple per sheet. Happy wrapping!
