• ENERGY LEVELS - My energy levels continue to be more steady the more I go to class! You would think that working out super early in the morning would make you more tired, but it actually gives me the energy I need to get through the workday -- it is also so nice getting off of work and being able to just relax!

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - Still sleeping like a rock. Thank you PB.

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - I keep seeing awesome toning going on! So awesome in fact that I bought a crop top last week -- and I don't usually go for crop tops!
  • WEIGHT - I am maintaining my 1.5lb loss from last week -- the 2 trips to Mr. Mesero this week probably didn't help ;)
  • STRENGTH - I held the 90 second planks all of the way through this week! Sounds like a small victory, but a victory for sure!


  • ENERGY LEVELS - Oddly enough, I have more energy during the day when I go to a 6 A.M. class! Those of you who know me, know I am NOT a morning person! But waking up early is beyond worth it when I go to PB!
  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - No change noticed. I've been stressed the past few weeks so that's probably affecting my quality of sleep more than PB!
  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - I definitely see more definition in my arms! This makes me so happy because I really want my arms to lose all the jiggle and be completely toned!
  • WEIGHT - I don't have a scale, but I do not think I've lost/gained any weight.
  • STRENGTH - I feel SO much stronger! I especially notice more strength in my arms and my abdomen. I guess those 90 second planks are worth it… 

6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

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Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.