
After one week of Pure Barre, we are addicted. We love the classes and the instructors -- they are fun, challenging, and safe (which is just what K was looking for with her wrist injury). While the classes follow the same sequence each time (cardio, arms, thighs, seat, abs, cool down), each class is different!


  • ENERGY LEVELS - I have definitely noticed an increase in my energy levels -- they stay steady and consistent throughout the day, when before, they would be somewhat sporadic. 

  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - I go to sleep easier and faster on the days that I go to PB.

  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - I feel tight (especially in my thighs and bum)! Each class leaves me a little bit sore the next day, but it is the good sore. The sore that lets you know you are changing your body! There has definitely been increased definition in my biceps, triceps, and abs.
  • WEIGHT - While I typically don't weigh myself (I like to go off of how I feel/how my clothes fit) I have weighed myself at the beginning of this PB series. While I am probably not going to share this number with all of you, I will let you know the changes that occur! As of now I am maintaining my weight but I just got back from a long Thanksgiving weekend at home (and yes there was GF pecan pie..)!
  • STRENGTH - Getting stronger, I think! I am still very weary with my wrist so only time will tell with this one.


  • ENERGY LEVELS - I definitely have more energy in the mornings when I attend a 6am barre class. Before it was unheard of me getting out of bed before 7:30 (soo not a morning person). But I actually look forward to these early a.m. classes. They are seriously the best start to the day!
  • QUALITY OF SLEEP - Honestly, I pretty much always sleep really well. I typically fall asleep right when I hit the pillow and don't wake up till the alarm goes off. But who knows maybe I am sleeping better!
  • PHYSICAL CHANGES - None noticed yet. I am definitely sore, though!
  • WEIGHT - I try to avoid the scales at all times. I like to judge my progress through my physical changes as muscle weighs more than fat. My goal for Pure Barre is to tone my body, not to lose weight. However, that's not to say I wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds! I will let y'all know if and when I lose and/or gain weight.
  • STRENGTH - I think I am slowly getting stronger each class. I am so out of shape so it's hard for me to even finish full exercises! The burn is sometimes too much to handle! But each time I go, everything is getting a little easier (minus the 90 second planks - those are killer!)

6025 Royal Lane, Suite 203
Dallas, TX  75230

We have partnered with Pure Barre Preston Hollow to bring you this recurring post.
Classes are c/o Pure Barre Preston Hollow. All opinions are our own.